Tuesday, October 23, 2007

File this under WTF?! - Tuesday edition

Two gay inmates in Quebec will be able to tie the not in the prison chapel this week. Since gay marriage is legal there, the two men will enjoy the same matrimonial privileges that straight people can receive...sorta.

The story is funny because I'm trying to figure out when the two were able to court each other, and what are their plans should they be released back into society? Are they registered anywhere? Will there be a reception in the cafeteria? The article states there will be no honeymoon because prisoners can't have conjugal visits with each other - the couple stays in separate cells.

"David Bedard, 22, is serving a 10 year sentence for involuntary manslaughter while his partner Sony Martin, 26, is serving a life sentence for second-degree murder and is ineligible for parole before 2020."

"Bedard, in prison since 2006 and Martin, since 2002, will still be able to cross paths during hours when inmates from different cell blocks get to mingle, such as during lunch, gym and outdoor activity periods and well as other down time."

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