Tuesday, November 20, 2007

White People Rule #27

You don't get "it", and you never will.
(Amendment to said rule: Ever. Period.)

(warning rambling rant below)

I guess I'm more irked than anything. I've been reading Feministe lately and there is something about it that kept annoying me. Then it occured to me that most things feminist annoy the shit out of me. Mostly because it involves middle and upper class white women who think they get "it". "It" being things poor and/or not white, the experience of said all things poor and/or not white, the perspectives of said all things poor and/or not white, the cultures, beliefs, or values, of said all things poor and/or not white, etc. Hell, I'm working class by heritage and a nigger in America and Puerto Rico and I don't get it half the time. And I don't try. But liberal white women try to.

FYI: I don't care how many books you read about the subject, or ACLU documentaries you rent, or brown countries you visit, you will never, ever, ever, ever, everevereverevereverevereverevereverevereverevereverevereverevereverevereverevereverevereverevereverevervevereverevereverevereverveverevereverevervveverevereverevereverevereverever get "it."


And yet, all day I have white women calling themselves things like "feminist" and "enlightened" telling me how bad and pervasive racism and white men are. Really? It is? They are? You could've fooled me. THANK HEAVENS that I have you educated white women to tell me how fucked up it is. I wonder how many of the poor women, poor women of color, illiterate women and [insert anything else that would block access or use of a computer and internet here] women who read your blog agree with you.

Christ. (Yeah, and that's another thing: since when did feminism mean you couldn't love you some Jesus? Jesus is the biggest feminist I know.)

I blog, observationally, for the sake of keeping up with all events current and making fun of shit when necessary. And secondly, I do it to call out white, liberal feminists. There are few who fucking get "it" and lemme tell you how much this woman doesn't fucking get it (I will not pass judgement on her Flickr photos, which features a bunch of...you guessed it: white people. Oh wait. I just did. I also will not link to her wish list on Amazon.com. Wait....dammit! I just did. In the second paragraph). This skinny, educated white woman loves to talk about how much race sucks. I read this post by her and I just about had it. I'm just done with this site. I don't know about the people who leave comments, but I know a shitload of them are other educated white women who think they get "it". And men. So then these conversations occur between white people about...WoC/PoC" (could you pick a more annoying abbreviation for Women of Color and People of Color? It sounds like a slur. YOU OWE US THE COURTESY OF SPELLING THAT GENERIC ASS, SOCIAL WORKER-DERIVED LABEL OUT. WRITE IT OUT. IT'S THE LEAST YOU CAN DO, SINCE REPARATIONS ARE LOOKING LIKE A SHOT IN THE DARK).

Color me frustrated. (the crayon is Black)

The one thing (among the many) that I absolutely hate about (self-described) white liberal educated folk is their absolute cluelessness to their own fucked up color and/or class privilege. And no, reading bell hooks ain't enough acknowledgment.

Liberals wonder why their constant arguments using over-your-head-logic citing dead, white people, lesbians and study after study don't jive with "middle america" and the people in projects, trailer parks and living in cardboard boxes on the street. You wonder why people avoid calling themselves "feminists" even when they agree with the basic tenents of female equality. Sometimes, some white women get it. Like this one. This lady does most of the time. So does she.

But it just doesn't fail that when I encounter these circles of feminists, they are unfailingly white, educated (at private schools no less), have parents who were educated, associate with mostly other white people, recycle and don't understand why Wal-mart - as evil as it is - might be appealing to some people.

Newsflash feminists: white women are evil. Who do you think procreated with evil white men to have evil white babies who grew up to be evil white adults? White women attended public lynichings, too. White mistress beat slaves. White women run sweatshops. White women are racists. White women are evil. It's OK. So are women of color. We can be evil, too. But you, by your sheer whiteness, are more evil.

- No, we're not in this together. Remember?
- Stop trying to relate. My poor customer service experience (read: Me being followed around in the store by mall security) is not the same as you having to wait in line for your coffee. If that is your biggest discrimination of the day....
- No, you don't know how it feels.
- No, our oppressions aren't the same.
- Oh, and if you're straight, don't call your baby daddy your partner. Can The Gays have anything to themselves?
- And one more thing: I eat meat. Go fuck yourself. And I throw out recycling. Go hug a goddamn tree.

I'm sure this post has somehow annoyed or offended you. I guess it's time to go to your locally owned coffee shop wait in line an extra 20 seconds and order yourself a grande skim chai tea latte no foam and read your latest copy of the irrelevant, outdated Ms. mag to to calm yourself down.

1 comment:

Kim said...

She really pissed you off, huh? Or is it ze. You know how some feminists like to do that crap. :)

So I get it some of the time huh? Pin a medal on me! Yeay!!!