Thursday, February 14, 2008

Mayoral Wishlist for Dem Candidates

Our primary here in Ohio is fast approaching. In an effort to woo voters, the presidential candidates are swooping down on our fair state and in response to these political vultures comes a wishlist for Northeast Ohio from Frank Jackson, Mayor of Cleveland. Jackson sent both democratic senators a letter outlining his wishes for the next POTUS. Assumingly, whomever gives him the best response wins his much-desired endorsement.

The first Democratic contender to respond: Barama. Um, Clintonites, where are you?

Some stuff from his $6.3 billion, 14-page wishlist (the link above has cost breakdowns):

- money to combat the foreclosure crisis
- improve education in urban centers
- beef up law enforcement
- fix roads
- expand public transportation
- provide health care
- energy from renewable sources

Barama's two-page response letter said: "Your blueprint for America shares many features with the urban agenda that I have outlined in my campaign."


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