Friday, March 7, 2008

Another example of what happens when violent men are allowed to slip through The System

Here's another one: estranged crazy boyfriend kills his ex-girlfriend. And her daughter (she just got accepted to college and was going to be lawyer). And her son. Oh, I shouldn't forget the part about how he raped the mother and daughter and beat all three them in the head execution style with a 2lb hammer.

He was convicted. Thank God. Three life sentences. But the part that gets me is that he had a history of violence against women and yet he was still on the streets. He had priors on sexual assault and abuse. Witnesses during the trail said that his relationship with the victim was rocky. Yet he wasn't stop until she was dead. And her children. And of course, you can't kill a woman without raping her first.

Times likes these I can't argue against capital punishment.

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