Friday, March 28, 2008

Messin' with White Women - Vogue Cover Edition

I don't like Lebron James. You know this. So when I heard about how he was going to "grace" the cover of Vogue's size and shape issue with Ms. Gisele Buchhoweverthehellyouspellherlastname, I was less than impressed. And apparently there is some controversy. (Size and shape issue? Really? And you put two tall, skinny people on the cover? How is this different than all the other covers?)

James looks like a big, Black Mandingo King Kong waiting to violate Gisele's white, pure womanhood.

Of course, there are people who say it's no big deal and people should stop being so sensitive. Of course, Lebron himself can't see how the white media is making him out to be a dancing monkey.

Whatever. If people in America had any sense of media literacy, they would know that the picture evokes all sorts of sordid, historical racial missteps in our country's history. Quite frankly, I'm rather disappointed that the picture was taken by one Annie Leibovitz, famed photographer (and white lesbian) who has shot everyone but Jesus Christ himself (and that's only cuz there was a scheduling conflict with his second coming and her book release.)

She could have done better.

And the world continues to turn.

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