Wednesday, June 6, 2007


So I couldn't sleep and I went to the computer to plot my next conspiracy when I get this in my inbox:

Interesting...I'm the NICE, YOUNG BLACKMAN, who just got back from SA and will have a doctorate in about 6 weeks that Tiff was talking about. Can't say that I have any videos of me gaybashing. Plus, all photos of me having sex with 3 women were destroyed along with the Rob Lowe Sex tapes and that blurry video of U.S. Ambassador Gillespie talking with Saddam before Gulf War #1...Have I met the threshold yet....?

This was left in response to one of my numerous angry Monday posts from this week. CYBT worked some connections and now her recommended beau is reading my blog. I figure if he finds my unfounded musings, rants and typos quirky and cute...not scary and a cry for help, he may be worth meeting.

I'd like to think I have standards still, but at this point if a man meets the following criteria, I'm pretty excited:
- currently not in jail (Preference: never been unless a political prisoner, POW, etc)
- without offspring (I mean if I managed to not have children, so can you)
- is literate
- has a job (Preference: legal)
- is colored...any color (Preference: clear descendant from the African Diaspora)
- has not had, nor has current desire to sleep with other a sexual way. (I completely understand sleepovers, but please don't be gay....I have enough gay men in my life as it is)

I mean, so yeah, he meets the threshold. PhD indicates literacy, Black, male...check. Done and Done. Attests to being straight...also a plus. Mentioned Rob Lowe...always bonus points for a Rob Lowe reference.

But seriously, reading his comment made me think of this song.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I'll take that song as flattery :-) You realize of course that the song about black boys is all about 'consuming' and 'commidifying' black men right? They're 'delicious' and satisfy - whereas the song about white boys discusses how pretty they are and the emotional impact they have on the women they pursue. Even in the midst of progressively laced pablum white supremecist rhetoric rears it's ugly head.
By the way, cool nerds exist. I'm a political commentator for NPR and I went to the Lakeland Community College comic book convention a few months back. The guy who invented 'Black Lightening' was there. Any Italian guy who comes up with an Afro-sporting cool inner city principal by day and crimefighter by night in 1972 was somebody I had to meet...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Black Beau on this. I love me some Nell Carter, but her uttering those lines is like when a woman thinks she's a feminist because she drinks fair trade spring water at the gym.