Friday, April 11, 2008

At least there is a hot person in this story

So Max Mosley, Formula One (F1 for all you cool cats) executive, the top guy to be exact, was found to have had a S&M session with five women. It was videotaped. When, oh when will these men stop being so stupid? Here you are the married head of the Formula One empire and you videotape yourself engaging in BDSM play with five women. And the BEST part was that the scene was a Nazi Death Camp. It doesn't help that Max Mosley's dad was a HUGE Nazi sympathizer. It just makes the whole thing more twisted.

I can't help but care less that he's into BDSM - I like BDSM (though I shouldn't for philosophical reasons). I mean aren't all powerful, old white men into paying for all sorts of sex, so that in and of itself isn't off-putting. But of course, I am more offended that he gets off on one of the sickest periods in world history. It bothers me that this revelation will only highlight and encourage the negative perceptions of people who engage in consensual BDSM acts. I wonder what in the hell his fascist loving wife thinks about all this. Then again, they're fascists so I don't care.

The most important thing I can walk away from this article with is this lil brown, British cutie, Lewis Hamilton. He's an F1 driving champion. Apparently Mosley made it a point to address issues of racism in the F1 industry when Lewis was attacked by fans in Spain (Spaniards not being the biggest fans of Blacks historically) during a race. Yeah, this video kinda squashes that effort, huh, Max?

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