Thursday, April 24, 2008

Social science attempts to defend asshole behavior

A professor at UC-Davis conducted a study of male students on campus to understand why some men hear "yes" when women are saying "no", or making statements that reflect the opposite. He was attempting to explain differences in communication between men and women.

This is a great example of how "science" and academia tries to justify asshole male oppression. Do I really need a study to know that men don't care what women say, think or feel? Is it no surprise that a college campus is full of men who don't understand the words "no" "not tonight" "get off me" etc.?

I may be hyper-sensitive, but this reeks of rape apology: oh those silly boys! They are so stupid - they just don't understand women. Like, in some way, their behavior is simply brutish and uncouth because you know, they just thought she meant something different when she said, "No, I don't want to have sex."


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