Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Not that party affiliation is everything..

AND I know that the Republican Party didn't become super evil until a little later, but how can you go from civil rights "activist" to Republican candidate?

On this day in history, James Meredith, first Black American at the University of Mississippi, was shot while walking in his March Against Fear. Blah, blah, blah....his wounds were superficial and the white man that shot him was convicted and sent to jail...blah, blah, blah. While Meredith's mark in history is substantial because of his crossing of educational barriers (and he is not shy about distancing himself from the Civil Rights Movement), the follow-up to his story is even more....remarkable, humorous--whichever.

"Soon after the march Mr Meredith dropped out of the civil rights movement to work as a stockbroker, and then in real estate. In 1967 he became an investor and entered Columbia University Law School in 1968. That year he also became president of Meredith Enterprises and began to lecture on racial problems. In 1972 he stood unsuccessfully as a Republican candidate for the US House of Representatives."

I mean whatever...more power to him, but I still think it is funny. Is he self-loathing, or what?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I grow up I am going to write a book. It will be called "Whatever Happened to Democrats and Republicans? How Liberals and Conservatives Ruined Everything for the Rest of Us."

And my jacket photo will be awesome, and we'll do signings in Motor City. Oh, and my book will inspire change. Yeah.