Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I WAS one of the last people on my block to get a DVD player

So...*breathe*. So here I am. I'm doing it! I. have. a. blog. I keep tapping the computer screen and pinching myself. For the record: I still HATE MySpace, but this blog thing has got to be cheaper than therapy. I'm not crazy - I just need to vent..and share my opinions. I just want to say things, I don't necessarily need to be heard.*

So, instead of sending people fiddy (read: fifty) emails a day (i might still), I can put a ton of thoughts into ONE space. How cool is that? Novel, I know.

Now, I won't make any promises to get all fancy and high-brow with the functions and settings, but I will play around with different fonts and make appropriate use of bold and italics.

*If a blogger makes a blog in cyberspace and there is no one to read it, does it make a point?

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