Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Regarding the recent drama over the U.S. attorney firings....

The papers spend some time going through some more of the 3,000 pages of
e-mails that were released Monday night. The messages reveal Justice Department officials didn't realize how the firings would explode into a full-blown scandal. In early February, a top official suggested the
worst was over writing that "the issue has basically run its course." The Post notes the e-mails show the White House was "more involved than had been known" in dealing with the scandal. The LAT focuses on how the e-mails show that earlier this month senior Justice Department officials began preparing memos with specific reasons why each prosecutor was fired. In the end, the Post says the newly released documents "shed little light on the Bush administration's motives for carrying out the firings in the way it did."
So this story isn't even super exciting. However, it boggles my mind that people in the White House put such stupid, incriminating shit in emails! Everyone with half a brain knows you don't use Outlook to plot assassinations, embezzlement schemes and the like. It cracks me up that the emails are so obvious.

From: Karl Rove []
To: Whitehouse Aides Group []
Subject: glad that's over!

Hey guys,
Done and done. I'm heading over to the Barrister's Grille around 5ish today if u want to come with. That Iglesia guy is gone and I think that pretty much completes all the firings, so I'm celebrating. Also, I have a card I want everyone to sign for Libby. I'm going to miss the bastard! I think we should all chip in for a plaque from Things Remembered. Since it will be engraved, I need the money by like this Friday.

GW was so annoying today! He said we need to be careful about this firings and I'm like, "Um, what is Congress going to do? Subpoena me?" lol. OK, well lemme know if u r coming tonight. I got first round!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love this post too! I'll visit you at the internment camp