Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I could have told you that: Men and Happiness

A new study reveals that men are now happier than women. This finding is a reversal of earlier studies that indicated that women were happier than men.

Yeah, what with all the sexism, discrimination, bearing children, raising children, rape, domestic abuse, feminization of poverty, wage gaps, racism, double standards, unfair hiring practices, prostitution, sex trafficking, antiquated expectations about marriage, second shifts, unfair beauty standards, eating disorders, and what not, I don't find this study all that surprising or newsworthy.

I'm not social scientist, but I would assume that if I were privileged enough to sit on my ass while my wife raised my kids and cooked my food and brought in 50% of the household income; or if I made more money than my female coworker just because I pee standing up, I would be happier too.

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