Thursday, November 1, 2007

Brang it ooooooown

FirstEnergy hired some fancy pants lobbyist to further its evil plan to monopolize the region's energy rates. Link has useful back story. I'll let you figure out why you should be concerned.

-----> waiting

OK. Because the damn company wants to have sole control over setting prices. This new legislation would require them to come to the Public Utilities Commission before setting prices and if the Comission says, "hey, wait a minute. You can't charge this, it's like totally too high.", then FirstEnergy couldn't do it. Hence, protecting the consumer. This bloggy has a good explanation of the fuckedupedness that is this situation.

So, come on fancy lobby man: show me what you got. Ya bastard.

1 comment:

Kim said...

This is one of those things I'd like to have a 3 hour long conversation on with you because I'm so far into it in Michigan with Detroit Edison/DTE and our system. Plus, First Energy is a bit on my shit list for other reasons.