Monday, November 5, 2007

How appropriate for the 5th of November

All hell has broken loose in Pakistan. The laundry list of civil rights violations makes me laugh my crazy lady laugh. Even Bush is like, "Cut the games, Musharaff. Pleeeease?"

Did you know we gave this asshole and his regime $150 million PER MONTH to support his work against "terrorism"?

Everyone who is anyone in the fight against this injustice is getting rounded up and arrested. Lawyers, political activists, students, etc. are being shut down by the military while their leader suspended their constitution and fired judges who opposed his leadership.

Meanwhile in America, our "leaders" are barely batting an eye. While thousands suffer, we are trying to figure out the best way to maintain our diplomatic ties with an asshole leader who goes against the purest prinicipals of democracy.

The above picture shows a lawyer being hauled off by plain clothes policemen during a protest. Take a cue, Americans.

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