Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sterlization of poor women and men not a bad idea after all

So the Pee Dee is doing this special coverage about saving Cleveland neighborhoods and it features Mt. Pleasant, which looks a lot like a war zone. To be expected mostly every white person in NE Ohio thinks that if the Blacks would just let go of slavery, everything would be OK.

Today's story looks at single mothers and it just depresses me. Depresses the shit out of me. I don't want to say stop having sex, but really, this is one of those times where sterilization of poor Black women doesn't look like a bad idea.

Really: what is the recurring theme in female-headed households and poverty: SINGLE PARENTS. CHILDREN. ABSENTEE FATHERS. NOT BEING ABLE TO SUSTAIN FAMILY.

Seriously. No seriously. USE CONDOMS. TAKE THE PILL. ABSTAIN. Cut it out. The affliction of poverty would not be so severe if people would have sex responsibly. I certainly don't believe that safe sex is the burden of the woman, but if she's going to be stuck with the child and the asshole father is in prison or fucking someone else, then by all means enact the No Glove, No Love rule.

Seriously. STOP HAVING SEX AND GETTING PREGNANT. IT IS NOT OK. IT IS NOT OK. How many ways do people have to say it??? I mean, reading this feature makes me want to throw up. The root of your problems, girl-whose-name-i-can't-pronounce-because-it-is-that-ghetto, is that you have more than one child that you can't support financially. I am super sure that you are a great mom and work really hard, but if you just reason for a moment and realize how not having sex, or simply using birth control would open up so many more doors for you.

And BC is accessible. Outside of rape, not having sex is even more accesible. Hell, it's free. You should see how much money I save not fucking. But really, no seriously, stop having babies. I can tell you which Planned Parenthood clinics will serve you at no cost. Provide you with pap smears and birth control for free. Condoms cost less than your Baby Phat jacket, or your weave. Trust me, it is possible and accessible.

Oh my God. Stop having sex. Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it.

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