Tuesday, August 21, 2007

La Guerra: No mas

The Puerto Rican Independence Party has launched an awesome back-to-school campaign that informs high school students about their rights to be removed from military recruiting lists. The Washington Post covers the story in detail. Under the No Child Left Behind mess..I mean law, schools receiving federal funding are REQUIRED to supply the military with the names and contact info of enrolled students. The military's response?

"...Pentagon officials accuse the activists of "manipulating" impressionable young people. "What's going on in Puerto Rico is an artificial circumstance, where a group is trying to persuade students to take their name off a list, and of course that's going to meet in some change in behavior," Carr said. "In the event that someone approaches a young person and their voluntary behavior is to take an opt-out card and give it to their teacher, there's nothing we can or should do in that case. That's free speech. But it's curious speech, because it's manipulating the flow of information . . . and that is unhealthy."

Ha. Ha. Ha. Funny how the military is calling something "unhealthy" and criticizing the right to inform as "manipulating". More ironies abound in the article, so read away.

The article mentions the story of Cpl. Jason Nunez who died in Iraq. His funeral was covered all over the island and have to watch this footage to see what his mother did. Breathtaking.

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