Wednesday, March 19, 2008

If by unique and brave you mean predictable and reheated

Get off his nutsack, people. Really. His speech, while simple and eloquent was nothing more than regurgitated rhetoric that I have heard before. Hell, said before. Of course a person who is the product of two races can talk "openly" ""bravely" and "candidly" about building bridges. I can't believe the delusion that people are operating under. These must be the same people who that "Crash" was the most groundbreaking piece of American cinema ever.

So he acknowledged that the races are angry and resentful towards each other. Big deal. Who doesn't know that? He pointed out that both "sides" to this divide need to own up to their mistakes and show some empathy. Yeah...not new. Not novel concepts.

Like, am I the only person in America who almost fell asleep reading and listening to this speech? Am I?

Of course his choice of reconcilliation and coming together sounds good to most people and by most people I mean white people because it assauges their fucking guilt and allows them to freely and comfortably point the finger back at minorities. People like this will love his speech because he uses some of that pull yourself up talk that privileged people love to toss out to those who aint got much. Yes, class is important and should unite us. However, all the things that he listed as affecting all Americans: health care, war, jobs, etc. still disproportionately affect people of color (Blacks and Latinos) and when you break that down, WOMEN.

So I can concede that he has several valid points, but please please please don't worship at the altar of Bama because he had nothing new or groundbreaking to say.

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