Monday, April 30, 2007

Moxie's Monday Crush

OK, so Cute, Young, Black Tomboy has responded to my APB. However, I still don't know who she is. First of all, at least she appreciated the L'Enfant Plaza article (seriously, everyone should read it).

So I know who she knows and how she found me. She has apparently connected with a woman who is what a friend of mine refers to as the "cosmic gateway portal to the Cleveland lesbian community". She knows like every gay woman in town. So now my wheels are churning and working and thinking: Have I seen CYBT around town? I must have. And if I haven't I need to meet this woman who found the L'Enfant article as interesting as I did.

But she posts anonymously...*sigh*, so Moxie will never know. But I want her to know that the power of shoulder pads is harnessed by the Keeper of the Gems. TTT put me on to her and my world has not been the same since.

Thanks for the read and the support on my Degrassi Dilemma, CYBT; maybe one day we'll actually meet for coffee and discuss that NYT article.

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