Monday, April 28, 2008

Like normally I don't give a fuck about Miley Cyrus

...but this whole Annie Leibovitz/Vanity Fair photo thing has me in a little radfem tizzy. First: what is with Annie and controversial photo shoots?

Secondly, and more importantly: it's super duper crazy laugh funny that a media/society that supports the oppression of women, particularly the sexualization of girls somehow has a problem with this red lipstick, draped sheet, bare back photo of 15 yr old Cyrus. "Why, she's a role model for young girls", scream the pearl clutchers of America. And Miley's pimp, Disney is upset with the photo, but I think it has more to do with the fact that VF will make some money off of her and not them.

Miley herself says that she is "embarrassed" by the photo despite having initially thought it was "artsy". (Artsy? What is artsy about the cliche bed sheet pose?) I want to believe that a 15 yr old has the right to change her mind, but in this country, grown ass women can't even do that, so I'm going to assume that her "handlers" told her to say that.

The photo is a pretty lame ass way to portray a minor (and most grown women for that matter) and I can't understand what the hell was going through Annie's mind when she took the shot. Maybe she thought that racist photographs weren't enough and she needed to move on into pedophilia.

Regardless of the screwed up circumstances, the real loser here is Miley and other young, rich white girls like her girls in America who constantly are forced to be innocent and sexual simultaneously while filling the pockets of megacorps and the dirty minds of asshole perverts.

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