Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yeah, I'm elitist, too. I like my boilermakers with Grey Goose and Stella Artois

Barbie Ehrenreich had this to say about the whole "Bittergate" thingamajig. I respect Barbara because she brings a shitload of insight to the subject of class and the state of class relations in America.

She basically argues that Clinton and Obama both have it wrong with their condescending, over generalized views on working class white men. They just don't get this overlooked segment of the population. Because you know, class is important to Barb and both Senators made some serious oversights when trying to explain poor white folk to the rest of America.

Gee, Barbara (can I call you that? Thanks.), let me first say that half the shit that comes out of either Senator's mouth is condescending to somebody at the moment it is spoken. They both elitist as fuck. So yeah, what Obama said sounded a little janky, but I'm sure his intentions were not meant to be bigoted in any way.

So who gives a shit? I certainly don't. Since when should I give a flying fuck about working class white men? And since when after that should I be concerned about how they are portrayed and viewed in mainstream media? Maybe it will be when they give fuck about working class women, people of color, poor people, immigrants, gays and any other oppressed classes of citizens.

When I think about working class white men, I think that they're solid, Christian members of the KKK. They came out of the woodwork in central Ohio to hand Bush the election. They sure as hell don't like the gays. They would rape a Black woman before actually marrying her. They beat their wives. They drink. A lot. They think all immigrants are out to steal their jobs. Generalizations? Sure. Stereotypes? Maybe.

My point is that I don't give a shit about offending any white man because he certainly doesn't give a fuck when he offends me with his actions, thoughts, deeds, beliefs, values and policies. I sure as hell don't.

Where the hell were working white men in 2002 and 2004 when it was time to elect a fucking president? Many of them were too busy voting down gay marriage amendments and against reproductive rights policies to united with ALL working class people. They were too busy buying American flag decals for the Chevy trucks and buying Toby Keith albums to speak out against a jacked up war.

I'm not going to be the bridge builder in this situation, let me just tell you. And until people can recognize all their fucking privileges and make a committment to eradicating them, I aint gone be no damn uniter. Fuck it. If Obama's comments offended some people, then so fucking be it. It's about goddamn time they felt a little fucking heat. Feels good to be the butt of assumptions and misconceptions doesn't it, Bubba, Hank and Joe?

And I'll be damn if you, Barb, try to tell me that working class white men are misunderstood. Try + Again = Try again.

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