Thursday, May 10, 2007

The end of my social life as I know it...

From's Human Nature column:

More evidence that oral sex can cause throat cancer: A study indicates that oral sex with one to five partners in a lifetime doubles your risk of throat cancer, and oral sex with six or more partners triples your risk. To get the same risk elevation through vaginal sex, you'd need many more partners. Transmission vehicle: HPV. Other risk factors: infrequent use of condoms, poor dentition, infrequent toothbrushing, and heavy tobacco use. Researchers' conclusion: "The widespread oral sexual practices among adolescents may be a contributing factor" in "the annual increases in the incidence of tonsillar and base-of-tongue cancers in the United States since 1973." Skeptical view: The odds are still very low. (For a previous update on oral sex and mouth cancer, click here. For Human Nature's take on the HIV risks of oral vs. anal sex, click here.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the world is officially going to hell