Friday, May 11, 2007

Mademoiselle Kitty #2 - Career Exploration

MK: So what is a goal you would like to commit to?
Client 1: I want a good paying job.
MK: That is great. What kind of job?
Client 1: A good one, like at McDonald's.

MK: Well, the STNA Program would be your next step. Do you think you're ready?
Client 2: Oh yes, I am. I am ready for it. I want to do this so bad. My friend went through the program and sometimes I see her in her uniform;
MK: Uh huh.
Client 2: And she has those ear things on her. You know that go around your neck?
MK: You mean a stethoscope?
Client: Yeah, one of those! She looks just like a doctor.

MK: Do you like your job?
Client 3: It's OK.
MK: Do you feel like you are making progress?
Client 3: I guess. But I think I want something more. Wiping old people's butts has left me totally uninspired. Ya know?

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