Thursday, May 3, 2007

I wonder if she's going to ask me to the Sadie Hawkins dance

Moxie and Miss Fixx-It are enjoying the (very chaste) quality time that we have experienced over the past week. Today, Moxie was surprised with a beautiful arrangement of pink flowers. The sender? Miss Fixx-It. For a woman who owns her own table saw and thinks any tool that isn't made by Craftsman is a piece of shit, she sure knows how to make a girl feel like a lady.

Classy move. And we still haven't kissed....I mean....I have kissed her cheek and her forehead. I also gave her a perfunctory kiss on the lips, but that was a mistake because she was going for my cheek. So it is cute to see that a girl can get flowers without putting out.

The ladies at the office want to know all about the flowers and the "guy" who sent them. Moxie is welcoming comments from readers as to what I should say when I can no longer avoid the question.


MisterElle said...

I told you....charming.

Anonymous said...

Dear Moxie Lady,

When the nosy people start hovering around place your right hand ever so lightly over you bosum. Tilt your head coyishly to the left. Flutter you eyelashes and say "A Lady never tells" and smile sweetly.

The biddies will keep trying to get in your kool aid. Whenever they do run your index finger gingerly across you lips and say sweetly "My lips are sealed. A Lady must keep her secrets." End it with a smile.

Or do what I sometimes do, feign ingnorance. "I wonder who these are from??? I must have a secret admirer. I wish I knew who it was! I bet he's a handsome, manly man! A wood-chopping, car-fixin', shelf-building man."

And by the way, I do hope I run into you in the future. It would be and honor and a pleasure. I would love to discuss the L'Enfant article over cocoa. I don't drink coffee.


Unknown said...

UMMM. COME OUT. I say, just tell 'em it's a she. Have no fear in doing so, because in doing that, you hold the power in the situation. Flip that script, girl. Flip that script. Remember, da boss got yet back.

Besides, coming out when you have flowers sent to you is cool. Coming out when you have photos of you at leather weekend surface on the Focus on the Family Web site isn't.

Anonymous said...

Tim is making sense. Flip that script, woman. I just wish I was brave enough to flip it at work. My boss just asked me what I was doing this weekend. He asked are you going boyhunting? manhunting?? womanhunting??? I said no to all three because I'm a chicken. But you're no chicken. Flip that script!