Friday, June 1, 2007

The Nerd Factor - stuff I think about

Why is it that nerds looks the same regardless of race, class, ethnicity, or time period? There is that undoubted nerd factor: polo shirts tucked in, glasses, horrible haircut, lack of athletic ability, overweight or underweight, inhaler for asthmatic episodes, etc. Seriously. And why is it that nerds all participate in the same activities? This year's spelling bee winner is.....another nerd. Some kid who is a nerd. But why can't a "cool" kid enter and win the spelling bee?

Like, I have nerd traits, but many would argue that Moxie is well....moxie and not nerdy. I like to fact I kicked ASS at spelling back in the day. I would enter a spelling bee now. Why not? But I certainly wouldn't be a nerd about it. I would wear a yellow and black skirt outfit with tights (like the colors of a bee, duh) with cute earrings. Maybe throw on a headband with little bee antennae for some flair. Black nail cute.

Where are the cool nerds? You know stylish people with great hair that watch Nova on PBS and go to comic book conventions? Who get wasted while reading Harry Potter? They exist because I know people who do this stuff and they are very. cool. people.

Why can't spelling bees be more like this? I'm just saying.

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