Monday, June 4, 2007

THIS is how you make my Monday more tolerable

People should know by now that Mondays are not my favorite days, yet they insist on pissing me off. However, the ONE good person left in my life, CYBT aka Tiffany aka Work Neighbor left me this post this morning:

I have a potential beau for you. He's big, black, reasonably handsome, straight, talkative, witty, sweet and available. And he frequently uses words that I don't know the meaning of; just like you do. Anyway, he's a few months from receiving his doctorate in poly sci and will likely teach at a local college here. He likes to travel, just got back from South Africa.

I mean....that is the proverbial "what I'm talkin' bout". *Sigh* I'm concerned about the "reasonably handsome" and "talkative" part, BUT if he is straight and Black, I'll take him. I also want to know what CLEAR EVIDENCE we have of him being Moxie's world there has to be like footage of him beating a gay man or having sex with three women at the same time...something to prove his heterosexuality. Nevertheless, this man is of moxie caliber. Take note people. Don't bring me anything less than. Good job, CYBT. Good job.

I am so lucky to have people in my life (MrL, 3T, and now CYBT) helping me look for a man. I feel like the President and you people are all my Cabinet of Love members. First one of my friends who lands me a date gets cookies.


MisterElle said...

Damn. CYBT is going to be hard to beat with that find!

MisterElle said...

This whole thing might be getting out of hand, but last night a NICE, YOUNG, BLACK MAN pulled up along side me and told me my gas cap was open. I thought: "He would be perfect for Moxie!"

Anonymous said...

Interesting...I'm the NICE, YOUNG BLACKMAN, who just got back from SA and will have a doctorate in about 6 weeks that Tiff was talking about. Can't say that I have any videos of me gaybashing. Plus, all photos of me having sex with 3 women were destroyed along with the Rob Lowe Sex tapes and that blurry video of U.S. Ambassador Gillespie talking with Saddam before Gulf War #1...Have I met the threshold yet....?